Clarity framed with care

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Welcome to Amherstview Eyecare! We are the newest all-inclusive optometry practice serving the Greater Kingston area, bringing you quality eye care and fashionable eyewear. From thorough eye exams for all ages to stylish and protective sunglasses, we can help you with all your eye care needs.

Our priority is your ocular health, which is why we employ the latest diagnostic technology and invest in ongoing training to provide personalized service. We also carefully select the frames and lenses that we carry, so you are always getting the best quality.

Our values are transparency and honesty. If you have any questions or concerns about your eyes or our services, please ask – we will always do our best to provide you with an accurate, thoughtful answer.

Where to Find Us

We’re at the corner of Bath Road and Speers Boulevard, in Heritage Square Plaza.


6 Speers Boulevard, Unit O
Amherstview, ON K7N 1Z6



9 am5 pm
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9 am2 pm

Saturdays are open on alternate weeks. Please call to confirm.

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