Children's Eye Exams

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Why Should Kids Have Eye Exams?

Your child may be too young to understand if their vision is causing them problems. If not identified through regular eye exams, eye conditions like strabismus, amblyopia, hyperopia, myopia, and others can develop or worsen without you or your child’s knowledge. Untreated, these conditions interfere with development and can interrupt a happy, healthy childhood: learning in school, playing with friends, and enjoyment of everyday life.

Early identification and treatment is key to helping kids grow up without worrying about missing out. That’s why the Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends the following pediatric eye exam frequency at a minimum.

First eye examination between 6 and 9 months old.

At least one eye examination between the ages of 2 and 5.

Examinations once a year.

What to Expect During Your Child’s Eye Exam

During the exam, we will:

  • talk with you and your child regarding personal and family health history. This helps us determine if they may be at increased risk for certain eye conditions.
  • ask about their hobbies and activities so that, if they do need glasses, we can recommend the appropriate eyewear
  • determine how well they see in each eye.
  • assess how well their eyes work together (binocular vision).
  • check their colour vision for signs of colour vision deficiency.
  • establish their refractive prescription; if corrective lenses are required, we then discuss suitable options for glasses and contact lenses, based on age and activities
  • examine the health of the back of their eyes (the retina). Sometimes this involves dilating the pupils using eye drops, which will leave your child’s vision blurry and light-sensitive. As well as helping us in our health checks, these drops can enable a more accurate prescription.
  • discuss the findings with you and recommend appropriate glasses if needed. Please ask any questions you may have so you and your child both feel happy about.
  • if it is time for a new pair of glasses, introduce you to our optician, who will recommend child-specific eyewear and help you pick out a new look you and your child will both love.

For children under the age of 10, we also recommend an additional assessment using our wide-field retinal photography. This is because sometimes younger children may have trouble remaining still during the examination of the back of the eye, and this camera helps us get a better view of the retina and the optic nerve.


Myopia & Your Child

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is when things look blurry in the distance. This can start early in childhood and continue to progress until around age 20. Wearing glasses (or contact lenses) corrects this blurriness. To slow the progression of myopia, options include specialized spectacle lenses, MiSight Daily Disposable Contact Lenses, prescription eye drop therapy, or some combination of the three.


It’s never too early for a child’s first eye exam, and it’s always better late than never. Book their eye exam with us today.

Where to Find Us

We’re at the corner of Bath Road and Speers Boulevard, in Heritage Square Plaza.


6 Speers Boulevard, Unit O
Amherstview, ON K7N 1Z6



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Saturdays are open on alternate weeks. Please call to confirm.

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